Pricing Transparency Policy
At Langtree Endoscopy Center, our goal is to provide patients with high quality care and the best possible ambulatory surgery center experience, from registration through discharge. We know that understanding billing, insurance and medical records may seem overwhelming at times. To make this process more transparent and help patients understand their personal out-of-pocket responsibility, the ambulatory surgery center will make available price quotes in advance of services being provided and in compliance with federal law.*
Our financial counselors welcome questions and are available to provide assistance. To obtain a price quote, please contact the Patient Financial Services department at the ambulatory surgery center, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. So that estimates are as accurate as possible, please provide:
- Detailed description of the test(s)/procedure(s) being ordered by the doctor,
- Doctor's name and office phone number,
- And insurance information (if any), including insurance company name and phone number, policy holder name, policy number and group number located on the insurance card.
The ambulatory surgery center estimate will provide the patient/consumer with the following:
- The estimated financial responsibility for the procedure/services based on the average charge for the procedure/services.
- Patients with health insurance will be quoted an estimated amount that will be due to the ambulatory surgery center based on the deductible, co-pay or co-insurance amounts established by their health insurance plan.
- Patients who do not have health insurance will be quoted an estimated amount that will be due to the ambulatory surgery center that will include an uninsured discount to the estimate. Counselors are also available to discuss with patients their eligibility for certain programs like Medicaid.
Estimates will not include any services related to complications that may occur during the procedure/service. Also, charges for physician fees such as a surgeon, pathologist, anesthesiologist or radiologist will not be included. These charges will be billed separately by the specific provider. Due to these factors, estimates are not exact and cannot be interpreted as a bill or exact cost for services. Instead, this service is offered to help simplify the financial aspect of ambulatory surgery center visits so patients are able to focus on their healthcare.
*Affordable Care Act, Section 2718(e) of the Public Service Act